The Brief
Bancroft’s is a prestigious private school in London, known for being academically selective and achieving great results. Attracting bright children of ambitious parents, Bancroft’s is in fact oversubscribed and therefore didn’t require a promotional film to drive additional admissions. Where their challenge lay, was attracting more children that are interested in activities outside of academia. Keen to attract these students, Bancroft’s wanted to showcase the wide range of extracurricular activities available at the school

Our Creative Solution
The Small Films team met with the school before creating the idea behind the promotional film – a film that takes the viewer on a journey of what it means to be a student at Bancroft’s. We sourced contributions across every year group of what it means to them to be at Bancroft’s, with their answers helping to guide our script – ensuring the film stayed authentic and true to the sentiment of the school.
The team then filmed across three days at the school, following children across a variety of extracurricular activities from swimming and acting through to metalwork classes. To achieve a cinematic style look we used anamorphic lenses, and a range of lighting and equipment that enhanced the footage.

The Result
The result was a highly impactful film that beautifully tells the story of the access their students have to non academic subjects and the doors this opens up for them. Bancroft’s were thrilled with the result, with resounding positive feedback from across the team.